Monday, January 11, 2010

Collision, Collusion, and Confusion

Doesn't it always seem to be Gov't vs People? This is an observation first made by the Progressive Muckrakers of 19th Century America, who aimed to create a society where all people were able to hold power as opposed to a select elite few. A major concern of these crusaders was the collusion (conspiracy-like corruption) between the government and businesses. The fundamental question being put to the test in this scenario is whether or not the government has good intentions or is a powerful, corrupt, mischievous demon. They were not as much concerned in the state of the economy or fair rights for all as exposing the terrible truth of their country. I believe that the issue of collusion between government was and is an extremely pressing issue. If we cannot trust our government, then what can we believe in? If it was said by an influential muckraker, whether truthfully or erroneously, that the government was a complete sham and that the country was ruled by the rich and powerful, we would have a national emotional breakdown. 
However, the modern muckrakers are not as concerned with radical, far-off ideas like this. They are more concerned with the scanty scandals of Tiger Woods and pondering George W. Bush's lack of material intelligence. Although there is likely more corruption and collusion in our society than ever now, I don't believe that the few muckrakers that exist now are as concerned with collusion of government as the ones of the Gilded Age. 

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